The New Zealand Health Group is proud to announce its sponsorship of three new undergraduate Māori health scholarships in 2021, in partnership with Whitireia New Zealand and its charitable trust for scholarships, the Whitireia Foundation.
The New Zealand Health Group (NZHG) Limited is the country’s largest provider of Home and Community services, rehabilitation and behavioural support, health staffing and training, with a highly trained, multicultural workforce and offices nationwide. Through its companies, Geneva Healthcare, HealthCare New Zealand, Solora, NZ Care and Explore, the Group provides healthcare services to over 30,000 New Zealanders and employs over 12,000 caregiving, nursing and other health professional staff.
Our purpose in offering these scholarships is to support the continuing growth of the Māori health workforce, helping to expand Māori cultural, technical and leadership expertise in the healthcare sector, and ultimately improve healthcare experiences and outcomes for Māori nationwide.
It is our privilege to partner with Whitireia in awarding these scholarships, with their Bachelor of Nursing Māori qualification achieving one of the highest Nursing programme pass rates in Aotearoa.

Māori Nursing and Paramedic focus
Each of the three Māori Student Scholarships is for $5,000 towards study costs: two for the Bachelor of Nursing Māori, and one for the Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedic).
The scholarships will be presented to the successful students by Ranei Wineera-Parai, Executive Cultural Advisor for the New Zealand Health Group, at the Whitireia Foundation Luncheon in June 2021.
Empowering decision-making
“Improving outcomes for Māori, and others underserved by our health system, is a strategic goal for us all in the New Zealand Health Group,”
Josephine Gagan,
New Zealand Health GRoup
Chief Executive
“We see our role as actively helping to grow the Māori healthcare workforce, both within our own businesses and by supporting up-and-coming Māori healthcare professionals in their studies in the wider community.”
“Our aim is to enable and empower active decision-making by Māori, rather than simply consultation, in all areas of healthcare that impact our communities,” adds Wineera-Parai.
About New Zealand Health Group
Having operated in the sector for over 30 years, the New Zealand Health Group has built up an enviable reputation for relentlessly pursuing better techniques and systems to be able to provide the very best of care and support for those New Zealanders who need help to live in their own homes as independently as possible. We are a leading force in the industry known for creativity and technology-driven innovative solutions that enable us to be more responsive in the delivery of high quality healthcare and recruitment services.
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